We continue to carry out examination of school educational literature

During July–August 2024, the leading specialist of the Institute of History, Ethnology and Archeology of the Carpathians, Bohdan Paska, as an expert of the expert commission on history of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, carried out a professional examination of the pilot project of the textbook on the “History of Ukraine” course for the 8th grade, authored by Oleksandr Panarin, Oleksandr Okhrimenka, Antonina Makarevych and Yulia Topolnytska. The textbook is created in accordance with the model curriculum “History of Ukraine. 7–9 grades” for general secondary education institutions (authors O. Pometun, T. Remekh, N. Hupan, Yu. Malienko, G. Serova).

In the expert opinion of B. Paska, remarks were submitted on the subject of revealed logical contradictions, factual errors, inconsistencies with the model curriculum, grammatical and technical mistakes, etc. As a result, it is proposed to send the draft textbook for revision, taking into account the comments and recommendations of the expert.