Educational lesson from the optional course “School Olympiads in history and jurisprudence. MAN” with the participation of practicing teachers

On May 16, 2024, the leading specialist of the Institute of History, Ethnology and Archeology of the Carpathians, Bohdan Paska, conducted a practical session from the optional course “School Olympiads in History and Jurisprudence. MAN” for students of the “Bachelor” OR “Secondary Education (History)” of the 4th year of correspondence education, which took place in the form of a meeting with experienced teachers of the region.

The class was held online with the participation of the history teacher of the Ivano-Frankivsk Physical and Technical Lyceum Andrii Anatoliyovych Yavorskyi and the Methodist teacher of the Sazhavka Lyceum of Kolomyia City Council Valery Anatoliyovych Paska, who have significant experience in preparing students for participation in the Small Academy of Sciences (MAN) and school history olympiads. Zakhar Huziy, a graduate student of the Ivano-Frankivsk Physical and Technical Lyceum, repeated participant of the MAN defense competition in the “History of Ukraine” section, winner of the 3rd stage of the competition (1st place), also had the opportunity to talk with the students.

During his speech, Andriy Yavorskyi told the part-time students about the peculiarities of preparing students for the MA defense competition, revealed the main stages of working with students, and emphasized the important points of psychological work with young researchers. The teacher told how to choose a topic for student research, how to interest young people in scientific work. Valery Paska, in turn, familiarized the seminar participants with the intricacies of working with gifted children during their preparation for school olympiads, the peculiarities of working with textbooks and teaching aids, historical maps and sources, etc. Perhaps the greatest interest among students was caused by Zakhar Guziy’s speech, who spoke about the preparation for participation in the National Academy of Sciences through the eyes of a student-participant, demonstrated a poster of his scientific work and described the process of its creation.

Communication with teachers and students caused a frenzy among students. As a result, the guests of the meeting were asked more than 30 diverse questions. The class was held in a friendly, warm atmosphere, and the students received a lot of valuable information “first-hand” about participation in the Olympic movement and MAN, which they will be able to use during their future teaching work.