All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference “Carpathian Ethnological Readings”

Today, the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference “Carpathian Ethnological Readings” was held in a mixed format at the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University with the participation of teachers and students of the Faculty of History, Political Science and International Relations. Candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of the Department of Ethnology and Archeology of the Faculty of History, Political Science and International Relations Petro Kostyuchok moderated the conference.

Valentina Yakubiv, the first vice-rector of the University, gave a welcome speech: “Congratulations to everyone present at such an important conference! This is something that needs to be talked about. We all understand that the Carpathians are not just a geographical border; it is a huge cultural heritage with many years of history, its own customs, traditions, and way of life. Such their specificity attracts many tourists today. However, this is also, what attracts scientists to explore this region in various aspects. Starting from history, archaeology, ethnology to culture, philology, etc. It is extremely valuable that we think, care and deepen our knowledge. Now we have a unique opportunity to exchange our opinions, the results of scientific research that were conducted during this time in the context of the history and ethnology of our Ukrainian Carpathians.”

The conference is held with the aim of expanding knowledge about the ethno-cultural features of the population of the Carpathian region, identifying insufficiently studied issues, as well as popularizing, recording and preserving cultural heritage objects. The latter is especially relevant in the conditions of a full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war, which is accompanied by the destruction and looting of cultural monuments.

The initiator of the All-Ukrainian conference is Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Ethnology and Archeology, Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of History, Ethnology and Archeology of the Carpathians of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University Mykola Kuhutyak. He gave a speech on the topic “Sights of the spiritual culture of the Carpathian region: state and prospects of research”.

He noted that the monuments of spiritual culture of the Carpathian region are at the center of national culture in general. “This is what forms a nation and its identity,” Mykola Kuhutyak added.

The All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference “Carpathian Ethnological Readings” was held under three sections: “Local variants of ethnocultural heritage”, “Ritual culture in conditions of globalization”, “Ethnohistorical processes in the Carpathian region”.