Meeting with secondary education graduates of the Tysmenytsia Lyceum of the Tysmenytsia City Council

On March 18, as part of career orientation events at the Faculty of History, Political Science and International Relations of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University “Career University for Students”, teachers Roman Kobylnyk, Stepan Borchuk, Lilia Shcherbin visited the Tysmenytsia Lyceum of the Tysmenytsia City Council and held a meeting with students 10– 11th grade.

Lyceum students had the opportunity to learn about the achievements and development of the University, about the educational programs of the Faculty of History, Political Science and International Relations. Roman Kobylnyk informed the students of secondary education about the special features of the 2024 admissions campaign, talked about various activities, the specifics of studying at the faculty.

Stepan Borchuk emphasized the importance of the right choice of profession for the life trajectory of young people, interested the audience in the success stories of graduates of the faculty. Liliya Shcherbin spoke about the peculiarities of the educational process, student self-government, leisure time, and the areas of employment in which graduates of the Faculty will be able to realize themselves after studying.

We express our gratitude for the organization of the meeting to Oksana Ivanivna Bilinska, director of the Lyceum, teachers Lyuty Ihor Volodymyrovych and Yurtsun Vira Petrivna.