We are again in the top ten of the Scimago rating!

According to the updated official data published on the Scimago Institutions Rankings website, in 2024 Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University will take 9th place in the authoritative Scimago international ranking among domestic institutions of higher education and research institutions.

SCImago Institutions Rankings is a global ranking of scientific institutions published since 2009 by the SCImago group, a research organization based in Spain, which includes members of the Superior Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) from the University of Granada, the University of Madrid Carlos III, the University of Alcala, the University of Extremadura and other major educational institutions in Spain.

SCImago Institutions Rankings is a prestigious scientometrics ranking, the feature of which is the use of the Scopus database. SCImago is a rating of scientific organizations, not only higher education institutions.

The only limitation for inclusion in this rating is to have at least 100 publications of any type indexed by Scopus in the 5 years preceding the year of publication of the rating. For example, for the rating of 2020, the period 2015–2019 was taken into account, respectively, for 2021 – for 2016–2020.

SCImago Institutions Rankings evaluates scientific organizations according to 17 indicators and analyzes HEIs and research institutions according to a composite indicator that combines three different sets of indicators based on research activities, innovative activities and public impact, which is measured through web visibility.

The rating is divided into separate sections, including governance, health care, higher education, and others.

For each of them, assessments are made in such areas as research results, level of development of international cooperation, normalized impact and number of publications.