Eternal memory!

With deep sadness, we inform that the long-time rector of our university (1986–2005), the honorary rector of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, head of the Department of General and German Linguistics of the Faculty of Philology, Vitaliy Ivanovych Kononenko, has died at the age of 91.

Vitaly Ivanovych Kononenko is a well-known Ukrainian linguist, doctor of philological sciences (since 1977), professor (since 1979), active member – academician of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine (since 1994), honored worker of science and technology of Ukraine, knight Order of Merit III, II and I degrees.

Vitaly Ivanovych Kononenko was a tireless researcher, a talented teacher and a wise manager. His contribution to the development of Ukrainian philology and science in general is invaluable. Over the years of his activity, he educated numerous generations of scientists and students, leaving a deep mark in their hearts and professional life.

We will always remember him as a person with a big heart, deep knowledge and an indomitable will for science. His legacy will live on in his writings, students and colleagues who will cherish his memory and continue his scientific ideas.

He published more than 600 scientific works on syntax, comparative grammar, phraseology, stylistics, language culture, ethnolinguistics, and linguistic didactics. The researches of V. I. Kononenko started the scientific school of semantic syntax. About a dozen doctoral theses and hundreds of candidate theses were defended under his supervision.

We express our sincere condolences to the family, relatives, colleagues and students!

Eternal memory!