PNU – TOP-5 Ukrainian universities in Webometrics Ranking July 2024!

Vasyl Stefanyk Prekarpathian National University took 5th place among Ukrainian universities in Webometrics Ranking July 2024. In particular, in the world ranking, we occupy 2230th place.

The research group Cybermetrics Lab, which is a division of the largest research institution in Spain, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), has published another ranking of universities in the world according to the level of their presence on the Internet.

In first place is the Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. The Sumy State University is in second place in the Webometrics Ranking, and the National University of Bio resources and Nature Management is in third place. The National Aviation University, Vasyl Stefanyk Prekarpathian National University, and Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute took the fourth, fifth, and sixth places in the Ukrainian ranking, respectively.

In the process of compiling the Webometrics Ranking of World’s Universities, researchers evaluate institutions according to three indicators. In particular, visibility (the number of external sources that link to this institution’s site), transparency (the number of citations by the institution’s top authors) and quality (the number of articles by researchers at this institution that are among the 10% most cited in 27 disciplines) are taken into account.

According to the developers, in the process of compiling the rating, the traffic indicators and the design of the sites are not taken into account. The new ranking of the world’s universities, Ranking Web of Universities, is compiled taking into account the systematized data received by the developers in July 2024.