Defense of diploma theses at the second (master’s) level of higher education of the educational and professional program “Secondary Education (History)”

Therefore, it is time for another graduation of masters in the specialty “Secondary Education (History)”. This year, the defense of diploma (master’s) theses for graduates of this specialty took place on December 16 and 17 in the full-time form of study (13 graduate students) and on December 18 and 19, 2024 – in the part-time form (19 students). The Examination Commission, according to the order of the rector, included I.Ya. Raykivskyi (as chairman, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of History of Ukraine and Methods of Teaching History), members of the EC O.S. Zhernokleev (Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of World History) and O.I. Yegreshiy (Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of History of Ukraine and Methods of Teaching History) and secretary B.V. Paska (Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of History of Ukraine and Methods of Teaching History, Leading Specialist of the Institute of History, Ethnology and Archaeology of the Carpathians). The EC meeting took place in the 618th auditorium of the Humanities Building, with the use of multimedia presentations by each student. As a rule, scientific supervisors and reviewers who provided professional analysis of the thesis attended the defense.

The topics of the thesis were quite broad, covering issues of history teaching methodology, as well as mainly the history of Ukraine, as well as world history of various periods and issues (cultural and educational, political, spiritual and socio-economic life, oral history, biography, ethnology, etc.). As a rule, the answers of the master’s degree graduates were meaningful, professional, and demonstrated a deep study of primary sources and knowledge of the issues under study. A feature of this year’s topic is a significant number of topics on the history of the national liberation movement in Ukraine in the 20th century, the activities of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, in particular, about the couple Kateryna Zarytska and Mykhailo Soroka in the Ukrainian nationalist underground, the biography of the chief commander of the UPA Vasyl Kuk, etc.; about the dissident movement (the Ukrainian sixties, the figure of Vyacheslav Chornovil, etc.); on religious topics (about the administrative structure and legal status of the UGCC, female monks of the UGCC congregation, the activities of Sophron Mudryi, Lubomyr Husar), etc.

Some of this year’s entrants are already working in general secondary education institutions (GGSO), extracurricular education, so they have tested the results of their research in practice, in particular during lessons and educational activities with schoolchildren. It is positive that the best works have been tested at international, all-Ukrainian and regional conferences, in publications, for example, Ivanna Paliychuk – in five, one of them – in a professional publication of category B, Vitaliy Furdyha and Roman Ostashchuk – in three and many others. Four full-time students (Danylyuk Kamila, Ostashchuk Roman, Paliychuk Ivanna, Furdyha Vitaliy) and two – part-time (Hlushkevych Diana and Pavlyuk Diana) – will receive diplomas with honors.

Our dear graduates! We wish you to defend your thoughts, ideas and dreams! You have demonstrated your knowledge, skills and readiness for professional life. Remember the words of the outstanding Ukrainian poet Lina Kostenko: “And every finish is, in fact, a start”. Do not stop there! Set new goals for yourself, open new horizons and opportunities! We are always glad to see you in your native alma mater; we hope to cooperate with you in a new capacity – as teachers, educators, group leaders, etc. May your names be included in the heading on the website of our department, faculty: “Our pride is our graduates”.